Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm a Busy Busy Bee!

 Blah! I know I haven't posted in what seems like forever. I've just been so busy into senior year. All I do is wake up, go to school, work, go to bed, and repeat. In my free time I'm always with my boyfriend. I will try to get around to posting a lot more! My vintage adventures have definitely not stopped! I've recently purchased 4 new dresses on Etsy. The one arrived today and is in need of alterations. I've got hips that are just slightly too big for it. I can wear it, but it's super tight and I'm worried about ripping a seam. The dress is absolutely gorgeous. It's a little dressy, but you can almost never be too dressed up. (Unless you're in a full length prom dress!) This dress is a 50's baby blue and lilac dress. It's hard to describe and I definitely need to add a picture of it once the alterations are complete!
 Seeing how I mentioned prom dresses in the last paragraph, I think I may have found my dress already! It's a 50's prom dress. Light baby blue and all lace. It reminds me a lot of Cinderella. It's absolutely gorgeous, but I'm still not too sure if I will actually buy it. I have it favorited on Etsy and all I have to do is purchase it! I really hope to be posting some more. The next day that I could take pictures would be Friday morning because it's fall break and I don't have school! I was actually considering going thrifting that day, but remembered that I will probably have to watch my little brother. So...maybe you'll hear from me on Friday!
 Con much amor para ropa,

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