Friday, October 21, 2011


Black Dress: The Vintage Studio
Black Belt: Goodwill
Shoes: Rue21
Leaf necklace: Antique store

Today I was accepted to Indiana University Bloomington. This is the only school I want to go to.
That is all,

Thursday, October 20, 2011


 Well, this one isn't a fashion post. Just a rambling of my life.
If you know me well at all, you may know that about 5 months ago I was dating a different guy than I am now. And you know that it ended BAD. Like nasty terrible bad. Worst end to a relationship ever. At least I feel that I can still be friends with my other exes. If you're a friend, then you've heard me talk about this relationship A LOT. So here's what happened:
I dated this guy for 8 months. Things were great. We had hit that rough spot that people seem to hit around 6-8 months. Everyone does. I've learned this. It didn't seem like much to me. We always said that we'd talk things out. This guy was The One...or so I thought. I knew the "we'll always talk it out" thing was way too good to be true. And it was. He ended up dragging out the breakup for like 2 weeks. We got together on a Monday to talk face to face after several late night crying sessions on the phone. He had brought to my attention that he wanted to join the Navy. I had told him before that I didn't want him in the service because I would worry way too much. So sitting there on the park bench in Judson I told him that I'd support him. I just wanted to stay with him. And then we preceded to talk about how that would work out in the future, and we were back to normal. We were laughing and kissing and just being ourselves again. It was great...but he had lied to me. That wasn't what the problem was. So after this emotional roller coaster I decided to be a terrible person and break up with him through text the day of his graduation...but he asked me to come as a friend. So I went with a few friends. I found his parents and asked them to help and talk to him about what is going on. They said they'd try. His parents absolutely adored me and still do. I found him later after the ceremony and gave him a hug and a kiss and told him congrats. And he just really brushed me off even though he told me that he really wanted me to come. I was so confused. That was on Friday. So the next day I went to his house to bring all of his stuff back to him. I sat outside with him for over an hour crying in the grass and asking him what happened. All he could tell me was that he lost his feelings for me and he didn't know why. So in comes this factor of the story...this girl that he went to school with had obviously been flirting with him via Facebook. I chose to ignore it because he told me that I was too jealous. Plus, he had always told me that this girl was a "fat, nasty, whore". His words exactly. He had even said that a few times. I asked him several times about them, but he swore up and down that nothing was going on between them. The last thing I said to him before I left his house was "if you think the grass is greener on the other side, it's not. It's really really not."
Of course that night he went to the drive-in with this "fat, nasty, whore". And then on Sunday they were Facebook official. Even now he claims he didn't cheat and I believe that, but I do feel like he used me to make her jealous. And here we are today. They've been dating for 4 months and they're both freshmen in college and they're now engaged. Mind you I was this kid's first relationship ever. I was his first kiss too. And he's marrying this girl that he called a "fat, nasty, whore" and only his second girlfriend ever? After everything I have heard about her from other people from their school and graduating class...I can see why he left: sex. It's as simple as that. He felt left out for being an 18 year old virgin. Well here I am, an 18 year old virgin and I don't mind it. But let me tell you something, sex really changed that boy. Or at least this fiance of his did. He's a totaly different person now. He threatened that he was going to put his mom in a home if she ever talked to me. When he was with me, he was a mommy's boy. Well, just last week both his parents came to my spellbowl competition and proceeded to tell me how much they hate his fiance and neither of them are in a home...yet.
This relationship has been haunting me. And it has been the hardest to forget. Anytime I went somewhere it seemed to have memories attached to it. There were many times I'd just go home and cry...and even by then I was with my new boyfriend. It's taken me a while, but I think I'm finally starting to forget. I look back now and I see how bad he was for me. My current boyfriend, Calvin, has really helped me see this. I feel so different when I am with him than when I was with Matt. With Matt I was still very vulnerable and self conscious. With Calvin I'm a different person, but I didn't change into a jerk like Matt did. I'm a better person now. I'm a lot more confident now. I'm not worrying about whether I look fat or not when I'm with Calvin. He's really brought out the good in me, and I feel great. All of these realizations have really helped me finally forget about Matt. He didn't do anything good for me. I'm much better off with someone that makes me truly happy.
PS..I took some pictures of my new black and purple dress, but my camera was taking weird pictures. I suppose I will post them anyways even if they aren't the greatest. That shall be my next post.(=

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mad Hatter

Black hat, leaf necklace, oriental purse: antique store in Rochester just off of 35
heels: Rochester's Goodwill
Cream hat: Green Oaks Antiques

This morning before I had to go to work at 2 I decided to go to Rochester to search through the racks at Goodwill. I found NO good dresses today. Although I talked with some random lady about 50's dresses and vintage jewelry. Ahhh, bonding with strangers....not something I normally do. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a pretty reserved person. I don't go out of my way to meet people. What really stinks about my Goodwill trip was that it was 50% off Saturday and all I bought were those heels and a belt that I didn't photograph because it's just a plain black belt. I was kind of upset that I wasn't able to find anything I like. It's hard to find really good dresses in stores around here.
The antique mall on the way into Rochester is a store that I have always wanted to stop at. They're only open on weekends and it's usually not a weekend when I am passing through. I found my black hat in a hat box with a baby pink hat. The only reason I didn't also purchase the baby pink hat was because I don't have anything to wear with it! I figured the black hat might look cute with my new black and purple dress. The leaf necklace and the purse were all the way in the corner of the shop hanging on a rack. I'm really intrigued by the necklace because of its clasp. I feel like it's really really old because I have never seen a clasp like that before.
Green Oaks Antiques...I can remember going there with my parents when I was a kid. They have a lot of gorgeous furniture for sale, but all the way in a corner I managed to find a cute cream hat to match my cream heels from Goodwill. The hat only ended up costing me two bucks and compared to most stuff in that shop, that's extremely cheap. I feel like a lot of their merchandise is way over priced. While I was outside of the shop I found another wicker purse! This one was a different shape and color than mine and it had leather handles instead of the lucite ones my purse has. I would have bought it in a heartbeat, but a portion of the wicker was missing on one side.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blue Laced Flowers

 Dress: No Carnations

Here it is back from Betty's Snip and Sew. It fits me absoutely perfectly now that she took it out some for me. I love that woman. She is a life saver! I owe her sooo much. I now have the need to go shoe shopping. I hate those heels I'm wearing with it, but I also hate shoe shopping. I can never seem to find any shoes that I actually like. Grr! Anyways, I love how this dress really flows well with my body type. Now I just have to decide when to wear this beauty!
Oh and by the way, my other 50's dress arrived today. It's absolutely precious too. It's go the classic 50's cut that just screams "wear a crinoline!" and it's black with purple designs on it. Precious. Pictures of that to come.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Vinatage Hair Styles

Had these pictures saved for a while. Unfortunately they're poor quality due to the fact that I took them with my phone, but these are the only pictures I have of these awesome vintage hairstyles!

The first one is a Marilynn inspired style. The last ones are fingerwaving! I was so excited to master the technique of fingerwaving. People think it's so difficult to do these hairstyles when it's really not. You set your hair and sleep in it. When you wake up all you need is either hair spray or a brush. The fingerwaves lasted all through work. The last two pictures were taken the same day after work. I pinned the back up to make it a little more clean and to get it off of my neck because it was a hot summer day then! I haven't really been doing my hair like this lately, but I definitely should get back into doing that. I always get soooo many compliments!
This week is my Fall break. I have tomorrow and Monday off of school. One or both of these days is calling for a trip to a thrift store. I can feel it. Maybe even an antique store or two. I would really like to make it out to the antique store outside of Rochester when they're actually open.
Goodnight and have a good morning,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Moment of Frustration Day---How FItting!

 Here's a rant. If you don't want to see a teenager whine, then skip down to the photos of my blue dress.
 I am so so so so sick of my bully. I bet you're assuming that my bully is some stuck up girl from school, but no. It's not a stuck up girl from school. I don't have problems with kids my age. I get along well with everyone. But my bully is actually my father. How sad is that? Who goes through life having their one and only bully as their father. He's just always saying stuff to hurt my feelings. And it hurts so much worse when it comes from your father. He has absolutely no belief in me. I get no support from him. He makes fun of my style all the time anymore. In the past he used to tell me I'm chubby. Just a few months ago he said something similar about gaining weight. I'm just so sick of this! And when I told him it hurts he just tells me to grow a backbone. If someone else were to say the same stuff that he does, then whatever. I shrug it off. But he's my father. He's someone I look to for approval. And no matter what I do it's never ever good enough. He thinks I'm a bad kid when I'm not. He's so lucky to have me as a child and not some unintelligent whore who is going to get pregnant early. BLAH!

 Now here are the pictures of my new dress! (= I didn't want this post to be all sad and angry.

(These pictures were obviously taken from the seller. I will upload more after the alterations have been finished.)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm a Busy Busy Bee!

 Blah! I know I haven't posted in what seems like forever. I've just been so busy into senior year. All I do is wake up, go to school, work, go to bed, and repeat. In my free time I'm always with my boyfriend. I will try to get around to posting a lot more! My vintage adventures have definitely not stopped! I've recently purchased 4 new dresses on Etsy. The one arrived today and is in need of alterations. I've got hips that are just slightly too big for it. I can wear it, but it's super tight and I'm worried about ripping a seam. The dress is absolutely gorgeous. It's a little dressy, but you can almost never be too dressed up. (Unless you're in a full length prom dress!) This dress is a 50's baby blue and lilac dress. It's hard to describe and I definitely need to add a picture of it once the alterations are complete!
 Seeing how I mentioned prom dresses in the last paragraph, I think I may have found my dress already! It's a 50's prom dress. Light baby blue and all lace. It reminds me a lot of Cinderella. It's absolutely gorgeous, but I'm still not too sure if I will actually buy it. I have it favorited on Etsy and all I have to do is purchase it! I really hope to be posting some more. The next day that I could take pictures would be Friday morning because it's fall break and I don't have school! I was actually considering going thrifting that day, but remembered that I will probably have to watch my little brother. So...maybe you'll hear from me on Friday!
 Con much amor para ropa,